Sunday 28 October 2012

Winter 1910 and 1911 - Farming vegetables and wheat

Winter 1910 and 1911 we got more logs this time to build another barn. Seed time again. Seeded 40 acres wheat, 3 acres garden. I could not break any more land because this garden took all my time to work it.

I grew all kinds of vegetables. These I sold in Radisson and Langham but everything sold at a very low price except my onions which I got from two and half to three dollars per bushel. But there was a great deal of work in harvesting them, drying them. I had to rake them in cocks, like you would hay every night, cover them up with any old thing I could get to keep them from freezing, shake them out again every morning for a week then it would freeze too hard I would have to take them in and cut the tops off, they would not dry off.

I had a good crop of wheat this harvest but the thresher put half of it in the straw pile. It was the same wherever he had threshed, the cattle would come to feed in the straw piles and you would see cattle manure all over the place filled with wheat they had eaten from the straw piles.

Was I discouraged this time? "Well if I had not read so much about Job in the Bible and how he came out in the end I certainly would have given up the fight. My wife was beginning to fail in health, discouragement and over worked began to leave it's mark upon her. We had just got money enough from our other produce to live upon without going out to work but it was only bare living. Just existing but that was all. My homestead was not adopted for straight grain growing, it was a little stony, it was more a fixed farming quarter.

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